Bunch of us girls leaving MiMi's after B.O.B.
Kirk and Korena after our picnic...where Kirk asked Korena to be his Girlfriend officially.
Paityn having fun with her favorite aunt. ;)
Well, folks it again has been a while! The whole semester...GO fingure! I had a extremely busy semester however I have arrived at the end with 2 A's and 2 B's. Whew! That is said with a sigh of relief. :) Since I last posted I have led a very very busy, yet somewhat boring life. :( This is the story of every college student I do believe. My days were filled endlessly with work and school. The bright side to the semester was church and study parties. Sad, Yes I am aware! But It turned out good. Olivia Diaz was born since I last posted and oh what a little cutie she is! And Paityn is growing. Makes me sad...she's gonna be all grown up soon! Ernie turned 8, though Im pretty sure he thinks he turned 20. He thinks he is the boss. :) WE have a wonderful holidays. Thanksgiving at Aunt Kim and Uncle Kenny's house with all the family. We have had several "christmas's." The holiday festivities have been in full force and wont stop til after New Years. So much fun! Will post pictures of the holidays once they are loaded!