Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ending of a school year...beggining of summer!

Wow! Its been a while. Well lets see what has went on... A week n redding during winter break, Jelly Belly Factory,No Limits, My Birthday, one of my best friends Ashley Staples and Kris Ortiz got married, CupCake fights, Ashleys baby shower, Brandys birthday, FINALS!!,2 1/2 weeks in the hospitalwith Ernie, another week in Redding, Jury Duty, a new Neice - Paityn Belle,6 lbs 8 oz...the most adorable baby EVER! I already love her to peices, and a camping trip to lake siskiyou! Whew! So pretty much tons of stuff! Getting ready for trip to see the fam in oklahoma, PEAK, more time with my precious neice, a beach trip and another week in redding. Dont forget about all the work in between. ALWAYS! Heres some pictures!