Monday, May 12, 2008

Its been a exciting day!

Today has been an exciting tourist day! It has been a blast. A couple of the sweet ladies, Sis. Tomoko and her mother, took us to the ocean. We ate some wonderful Thai Food, while sitting on a hill look out over the ocean. When I get home I will post pictures. The water is like a picture. It is the aqua color. Although when you look down it is clear. We went out on the ocean in a glass boat. It is a boat with a portion of the bottom glass. We went out and look down at all the beautiful fish. I saw Nemo! *Smile* There was many different kinds of fish. It was so beautiful. I got to walk out in the ocean. It was really warm and perfect. I found some pretty shells. At the restaurant there were fossils. It was really neat. The had all kinds of fish fossils. They also had a dinosaur thigh. It was kinda neat. They also had a little dino head. There was so many neat things today. We got home exausted, so we took a nap. Afterwards we went out for dinner with the Doans. I walked through the mall. I got some really beautiful little hair things. It was pretty cheap. Tomorrow I am going to speak at the chapel in the school. Pray for me! It will be ok. I am looking forward to be able to talk to the young people here. Anyhow, Its late. I miss everyone! Love everyone! Bye!


Karissa said...

MY FRENNNNNNNN!!!!! Ahhh!! I can't believe you're in Japan! Girl, my mom and I almost cried like 50 times when we were reading everything about you testifying at Ladies Conference and speaking to the youth tomorrow! WOW!

It's kinda weird because it's like 11:20am on Monday here, and you were saying that it's really late on Monday so you're going to bed. Ha! Oh my word, Frennn... I miss you more than words can say.

We watched my wedding video last night, and I cried watching you and all my beautiful friends walk down the aisle. Just knowing that I'm not going to be able to be with you guys anymore makes me sad. But it makes me shout with joy and smile from my heart when I read about and see what God is doing in all of our lives. Frennn: I'm truly proud of you and I can't wait to continue watching God unfold the rose in your life.

Thank you for EVERYTHING you did for my wedding. You did so many things that I knew about, things that I found out about later, and probably a lot more things that I don't even know about yet. You ROCK! Also, thank you for not only helping me with the wedding, but for helping me prepare for marriage. So so so so so many things, I can't even begin to talk about it all. Thank you.

Soon you'll have to come to CB and we can lay on blankets on the floor in my living room and talk about life like we did when we were little girls. How fun! I want to know all about Japan. You better list every detail in this blog and then call me AS SOON as you can!

Speaking of phones... I texted you twice with no return texts, and then I got home and Sissy told me that you called her! :/ LoL... I almost got jealous, but then she told me that you didn't even take your cell phone, so I was okay. But then I got jealous again because you called her and not me. But then I realized that you probably didn't want to call me on my honeymoon. But now I'm back so you better call me! hahaha... ok. I love you.

Sianaro or whatever. =P Adios, mi amiga mejora!

P.S. I have lots to tell you about Mexico when we get to talk! I LOVE YOU, FRENNNN!!

Anonymous said...

Hi SarahAnne!!! I miss you so much! I can't wait to see the home video you and Meemaw are making! We'll have a Japan night when you guys come back home. After you rest up of course. I'll be working in your place for you the day you come back so you can rest up. I'll get to see you right away too! Be careful and don't get sick while you're there. Lol! I'm so very proud of you!! Can't wait to hear your testimony you blessed those young people with. I can't believe how grown up you are now! All of your family are so proud of you.

Love ya lots,
Aunt Kim

C Hendryx said...

WOW... Sarah I hope you got a picture of Nemo's face as he was looking up through the glass ... HA HA .. i hope that you are taking thousands YEA i saw thousands of pictures on that lil dig. camera. I miss ya girl and God will be with you ... Just speak His word and walk by faith and not by sight... luv ya ..

SarahAnne said...

Thanks you all for your comments! I love getting them here. I check in the morning and night when I can. We have been so busy that sometimes its hit and miss. Karissa, Thanks for all the sweet words frenn. They made me cry. I wish that i could be there those lat few days you are going to be home. I miss you already. Love all of you guys. I am having fun and want to stay but I really miss my family and friends.

C Hendryx said...

omw I decided that I was just going to post a comment even though I don't have a blog.Yes i feel very privileged to be the one you called.
All I know is that I have to remind myself that i can't keep wishing that you would come home cause other ppl need you also lol. And I am so very proud of you for doing the work of the Lord. O and by the way I'm not ganna give you a chance to rest when you get home... your telling me about EVERYTHING!! O and thanks for the gummy life savors! you know me o so well. ; )
Also thanks for letting me use your car while your gone, I promise that your gas tank will be filled up when you get back. Love you more than ANYONE else!
Tuck, eats-a-lot, (the dragon tales one I forgot... sry)and most of all Korena Shealynn~

Anonymous said...

my precious daughter i am missing you soooooo much I am glad you are having fun and enjoying japan.I cant say enough so Ilove you , any one who wants to talk to sarah can come to my house at 5-7am I never know when she is going to call and wait with me, love mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarahanne,

Thank you for visiting us here in Okinawa Japan. You have such an excellent spirit. Please do come again. Next time please stay for a month or more so that we can explore more of this land of sushi and kimonos. May the Lord be gracious to you and make His Face shine upon you. Greet meemaw for me.